Exam Camera Resources

Exam Camera Resources

Posted by on September 23, 2022

USB exam cameras provide a way for the far side provider to get a closer view of their patients. Working similarly to a USB webcam– most devices will support uvc driver compatibility.  This means that switching to an exam camera can be as simple as switching from one camera device to another in the video conferencing software. Many cameras will have interchangeable lenses to provide other functionality like otoscope, and dermatology imaging.

Key Considerations

  • Balance the device use case features against cost
  • Some devices support both live streaming and still image capture others are only for streaming
  • Exam cameras can be most useful in a live video telemedicine visit

Showcase Technologies

Device Description Manufacturer Device Review
VersaScope Multi-exam camera featuring otoscopy, dermatology, and general purpose lenses. TTAC Device Review 
Firefly DE605 General Exam Affordable exam camera with basic functionality and decent image quality TTAC Device Review
JedMed Horus III Multi-function auto-focus exam camera. TTAC Device Review 


Additional Resources: 

Technology included in the Technology Showcase serve as examples of types and general capabilities of telemedicine technologies. No endorsement of any products or services is expressed or implied by any information, hyperlink text, product, service, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to the TTAC web site or in published materials.