Darryl’s Story

Meet Darryl. Darryl is 64 years old, has two wonderful children, a loving wife and a beautiful home. Everything seems perfect until Darryl begins to show symptoms of a stroke. Watch “Darryl’s Story” and see how vital telehealth is when every second counts.

30 Seconds: Preparing Patients for Telemedicine

Shelly King, C.P.N.P. / Nurse Practitioner, from the Indiana University School of Medicine ( shares why it’s critical for hub site nurses to establish a comforting environment before a patient’s first Telehealth consultation. Thanks to the Upper Midwest Telehealth Resource Center ( for collaborating on this project.

30 Seconds: Telemedicine Applications

This week we bring you an extended edition of 30 Seconds with a Telehealth Expert. expert Tina Benton discusses two Telemedicine Applications that can save you time and money.